Everything You Need to Know About Boarding Your Cat for the First Time
Heading away for the holidays and wondering what to do with your cat? Here’s everything you need to know before boarding your cat, and how to help them cope during their time away.

Traveling with Your Cat? 6 Tips Before Hitting the Road
Planning on traveling with your cat, but unsure of what it entails? Before you hit the road make sure you have everything you need to ensure your feline is feeling good — no matter if it’s a two-hour drive or a cross-country road trip.
Before you start the engine – remember that traveling in your car with cats is not ideal. While you may have been bitten by the travel bug, your cat would just as soon stay home.
This is because most cats are highly territorial, so taking a trip can be stressful and unpleasant. It’s why a lot of cat owners will also consider boarding their cat or having someone look after them.
This challenge of traveling also gets more challenging if your cat has learned to associate travel with going to the vet, kennel, or groomer.
But, if you insist on traveling with a cat this year, be sure to HAVE FUN and follow these tips to make the experience a little more enjoyable for both of you!
? Tips to Make Traveling in a car With A Cat Safe and Enjoyable ?
Turn The Carrier Into Your Cat’s “Happy Place”
Cats don’t like being confined, and chances are good that your cat has only ever had negative experiences with the carrier. But you can change all that.
First, make sure that you have the right carrier-it should be large enough for your cat to turn around comfortably, and to hold a food and water dish. Second, give your cat the opportunity to form a positive association with the carrier. Put it in your cat’s favorite spot in the house, and leave a few treats inside.
You’ll want to start doing this a few weeks before your leave on your trip, if possible.
Practice Makes PURrfect
Once your cat is used to both the carrier and the car, put the two together! Place the carrier in the back seat and take a few short drives, followed by a treat and lots of affection.
It’s true that cats don’t usually appreciate new surroundings, so give your cat some time to recognize the car as home turf.

Bring the carrier to the car and open it to let her explore (with the car doors and windows closed to prevent escapes).
A few times a week, bring a full food bowl and let your cat eat in the car. By the time you’re ready for traveling, your cat will be right at home in the car.
Keep It Positive and Cool AF (as feline)
If your cat loses her cool in the car, take it as a sign that she’s not quite ready for travel.
Some cats get so stressed that they urinate or defecate in the car. It’s messy, but she’s not doing it to make you mad-so don’t punish her.
Simply take a few steps back and give her more time. If your cat just can’t get over being in the car – it may make the most sense to leave them home with a friend or have them boarded. Talk to your vet to see if there are any other options.
Be Extra cautious of your cat
Once you’re ready for traveling with your cat, follow a few simple rules to make sure your cat is safe during your trip.

Make sure she has plenty of food and water. Also make sure she has a place to do her business, either leave it in the trunk or bring it out on one of your outdoor excursions.
If you do leave the car with your cat, attach a harness and leave it on while she’s in the carrier so that she can’t bolt when you stop at a rest area. And most importantly never leave your cat unattended in the car, especially in hot or cold weather.
Even with the windows cracked, it only takes 10 minutes for a car to reach 109° F on a 90° day.
Take A Break
Stop every few hours and give your cat a chance to stretch her legs. If she’s comfortable enough, clip on a leash and let her outside at a rest area.
Don’t be surprised, though, if your cat doesn’t want to leave the car. Just open the carrier and let her roam inside. Offer an opportunity to use the litter box, though you may find that she prefers to “hold it” until you’ve stopped for the day.
Your cat may not be born for the road, but with a little preparation and determination, traveling with a cat can be doable-and even fun. For even more tips on how to travel with a cat, check out this post here.