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Testing Blood vs pH in Health Monitoring Cat Litter

In a perfect world, our kitties could tell us when they don’t feel well. We’d make a vet appointment right away and they’d quickly be on the road to recovery. 

But in reality, our feline friends are notorious for keeping their health problems to themselves. And if they aren’t showing any noticeable symptoms, sometimes a small issue can turn into a bigger problem.

One of the most common health concerns cats face is urinary tract issues. This is especially true if a cat is overweight and male.

Thankfully, advancements in cat litter technology now allow cat parents to catch health irregularities right away.

However, with so many choices and so much science out there on health monitoring litters that test for urine, blood, or both, what’s a cat parent to do?

Here’s the scoop on the science behind health monitoring litters, which is most reliable for detecting health issues accurately, and what to look for in our latest health monitoring litter additive — Health Check-In™ Boosters™.

How Most Health monitoring litters Work

Litter that monitors health is a great way to keep tabs on your cat’s health in between vet checkups, without having to rush to an emergency clinic. Now, more than ever before, your cat’s litter can tell you a lot about what’s going on.

Now, we won’t get into what many of the health monitoring litters are made of — errr Crystal and Clay — but for the most part these litter formulas look for the acidity and alkaline levels (pH) in a cat’s urine. If these levels are too high or too low, it could be a sign of health conditions like kidney issues, bladder stones, or infection.

But there’s a slight problem with testing for pH.

The Problem with Testing for pH levels

Health monitoring litter that tests pH levels is not a veterinarian-approved way to diagnose.

Sure, using health monitoring litter of any kind is a proactive way to approach your cat’s health, and we salute that. And health monitoring litters that tests pH levels are advertised a lot, but are they the best way to detect health issues?

But since cats can’t tell us when they’re sick (and probably wouldn’t even if they could), you want your health monitoring litter to be reliable, right?

That’s why there’s simply no comparison to testing for the presence of blood, which is a more reliable indicator of urinary health issues.

Litter additives that detect blood

Testing for bloods is more accurate and reliable than anything a pH-based health monitoring litter can tell you.

Litter additives like Health Check-In™ Boosters™ can be sprinkled on top of your cat’s regular litter and will change color if blood is detected in the urine, which is a key sign that your cat has urinary tract issues.

And just in case you need a reference on our latest litter innovation, our starch-based health monitoring litter additive is backed by rigorous scientific research and validation from top veterinary institutions, including the University of Montreal, the Veterinary School of Toulouse, and Concordia University.

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